No area of divorce is more heart-rending than child custody disputes. Too often couples approach the child custody disputes with fear, as a “win-lose” situation in which one parent wins custody and the other parent loses his or her close relationship with his or her child. That is not how the courts view child custody, however.
California family court judges focus on the best interests of the child, and California law encourages close and supportive relationships with both parents. The art of crafting a solid, workable child custody agreement, therefore, is to help parents understand their options and to document enough of the day-to-day specifics of living arrangements to minimize conflict and promote good parenting.
At the Bacinett Law Offices, our goal is to help you achieve a child custody agreement that works for you and your child; one that protects your relationship and allows your child to thrive. Whether you are seeking a child custody agreement as part of a divorce, as part of a determination of paternity or a modification to a current support order, we can help.
Types of Child Custody and Visitation in California
There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody determines where the child lives. Legal custody determines who makes legal decisions on behalf of the child. In each of these areas parents can have joint or sole custody. Your options include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Joint physical custody (50-50 custody) and joint legal custody
- Sole physical custody with the other parent (the noncustodial parent) having visitation rights for less than 50 percent of the time — and joint legal custody
- Sole physical custody (with or without visitation) and sole legal custody
Child custody attorneys at the Bacinett Law Offices will evaluate your circumstances and advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of custody arrangements. Ultimately you will decide which form of custody you wish to pursue. We will help you with negotiation, mediation or family court, building a case for custody and visitation. We can also assist with obtaining orders for child support.